
Is it possible for me to change?

Wednesday August 28, 2013

At a recent workshop, one participant asked this very pertinent question: Is it possible for me to change?

This is not something to be brushed aside with a simplistic reply – changing oneself takes discipline, will, effort, planning, commitment, perseverance and probably support.

In their book “Immunity to Change”, Robert Keegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey describe three “plateaus of mental complexity”:

“The socialized mind (being a team player, seeking direction, being reliant)

The self-authoring mind (agenda-driving, problem-solving and independent)

The self-transforming mind (holding multi-frames, managing contradictions, interdependence)”

Having such a framework is helpful, I believe, in understanding other possible states of mind – what we might be changing to, and knowing why this might be helpful.

The dialogue on change continues unabated.

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