
Want to be more productive? Take a break!

Tuesday March 26, 2013

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of work you need to get through and think to yourself “if only there were more hours in a day”? The team at AsapSCIENCE argue that more time isn’t what’s needed, its knowing how to maximise the time we have. And perhaps surprisingly, taking regular breaks is part of the solution.

“Shockingly, when we look at some of the most elite musicians in the world, we find that they aren’t necessarily practicing more but, instead, more deliberately. This is because they spend more time focused on the hardest task and focus their energy in packets — instead of diluting their energy over the entire day, they have periods of intense work, followed by breaks. Not relying on willpower, they rely on habit and discipline scheduling. Studies have found that the most elite violinists in the world generally follow a 90-minute work regime, with a 15- to 20-minute break afterwards.”

Take a look at their animation on how we can “crack open the potential of our minds” through the science of productivity:

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