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Wednesday April 22, 2015

I manage the company twitter account, and usually post at least once a week. But I haven’t tended to look at Twitter past that role. Recently I reactivated my personal twitter account in order to explore what was going on in the twittery world. I decided to choose a focus – I’m having a go at writing my first novel – to see what this world could offer. It’s been quite a revelation. I went from followship of 90 to over 400 within ten days. And although much of what flows through my timeline is not of interest, I have enjoyed noting the way politicians are using it ( generally very well I think), and how I have picked up on very useful developments and announcements quickly and easily – some of which I may have missed otherwise. I have also linked to several people also writing their first novel, and this has proven to be very valuable. So…it really pays to keep up with the way social media keeps morphing and developing. Who knows – I might even reactive my personal facebook….(nah, just kidding). Link to the Oz>Train tweets through this site, or come visit me personally @Denisepicton.

Author: Denise Picton

Categories: Uncategorised