
Want a 360 but can't afford it?

Friday November 27, 2015

Several senior staff recently asked me what to do when their agencies wouldn't support the cost of a 360 degree. After agreeing that was a shame - at Oztrain we provide that service using several psychometrics - I pointed out they could take a DYI approach that would probably yield some very useful results.

For example one of my health clients has decided to work with a fellow senior manager who also wanted feedback. They are going to develop a list of questions they would both like answered, as well as a couple particular to their own needs. They are then going to give each other a list of 5-8 people they think would provide useful feedback, and they will go and interview the other person's list for them.

These are both skilled women, and will do the job well for each other. They won't get quantitative results benchmarked against other managers, but they will get very valuable qualitative feedback collected by a colleague with a vested interest in doing the job well for them.

Time to think outside the square?

Author: Denise Picton

Categories: Leading & Managing