
Trust in civil servants has gone up

Tuesday 05 Mar 2013

...But there are some big shifts in trust over time – one is the remarkable rise in trust in civil servants. This has gone from 25% in 1983, to 37% in 1993, to 53% now. Why has this happened? To be honest, I don’t have a completely convincing explanation, and I haven’t been able to find anyone who does. In fact there are a whole range of excellent reasons outlined in studies of trust in government why we might expect trust in UK civil servants to have gone down: improvements in services being banked and discounted, global insecurity making the national civil service seem less effective, constant reform undermining their image for competence etc Read More

Strunk and White’s elements of style

Tuesday 05 Mar 2013

“I hate the guts of English grammar,” E. B White once famously proclaimed. Yet Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style is among the most important and timeless books on writing. With its enduring legacy and cultish following, it has inspired countless derivatives and homages, from a magnificent edition illustrated by Maira Kalman to a rap. The book has become a legend in its own right, its story part of our modern creative mythology — but, like a good fairy tale, it brims with more curious, unlikely, even whimsical details than a mere plot summary might suggest. Those are exactly what Mark Garvey, a 20-year publishing veteran and self-professed extreme Elements of Style enthusiast, explores in Stylized: A Slightly Obsessive History of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style. Read More

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