Friday morning development with Denise Picton

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You as leader - Series 3

Friday signals the last session for You as Leader Series One, and Series two is fully subscribed. As a result, I am scheduling a third series, and already two places have beent taken in this program:

You as leader: 16/10, 30/10-and 13/11 (9-12.30)

These programs are kept to around 7-8 participants, to enable me to customise material to suit the needs of a smaller group, to keep the sessions informal and friendly, and to enable me to have the time to respond to each person's questions and needs.

Each session has a theme:

1. Thinking strategically

2. Political savvy

3. Managing tricky people.

Although I prepare materials on each topic I encourage the group to tell me what specifically they want to work on, and then shape the materials and discussions to respond to their real needs. These Friday mornings have been an absolute joy to conduct, and I am looking forward to meeting my Series Two crew in a couple of weeks.

I still have five places for series three, and would love to hear from you if you are interested. The cost of the program is $1,200 plus gst per person, and they run at Suite 114, 147 Pirie Street from 9-12.30. 

Email me at for more information or to hold a place.

Senior Women Coaching program- Series 3

The group of senior woman who were part of Series One have now completed their program, and I will meet with my new team for series two in a few weeks. I have scheduled the following dates for series three this year:

Senior Women Coaching: 23/10,6/11 and 20/11. (9-10.30).

I take only 3-5 people for this program. It is not a training program. I ask participants what they want to share and work on, and then facilitate those discussions. If requested by the group, I prepare materials and ideas for sessions in response to their agenda.

In session one we discussed how senior women can position themselves to maintain their jobs and reputations in the current environment; how to think about innovation in the workplace; and how to develop gravitas.

The cost of the program is $900 plus gst per person, and they run at Suite 114, 147 Pirie Street from 9-10.30.

Email me at for more information or to hold a place.

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