It's still June 2015 and now we have an ICT expert!

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Welcome Steph Jeuken to the OzTrain team

Stephanie Jeuken, our new Senior Consultant, has an extraordinary combination of ICT and People skills.

Steph worked as a consultant for Accenture for the six years preceding immigration to Australia. Over a 20 years career, Steph has worked for:
• San Diego Gas & Electric
• Southern California Edison
• Hewlett Packard
• Shell Energy
• SA Power Networks
• Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources

Holding an undergraduate degree in Economics and a post-graduate MSIT qualification from Carnegie Mellon, there is little that Steph hasn’t achieved or isn’t formally and practically qualified to deliver in the world of business analysis and IT systems implementation.
Steph loves interacting with people and data. She is an energetic, passionate IT professional who thrives on working with cross-functional teams. She loves leading new initiatives, and applying her technical background to new areas, solving challenging and important problems with her clients.

You can ask her to help when:
- you just have an inkling of what you’d like to do, but need it fleshed out and tested
- you have raw data that needs transformation into valuable insights and business-ready information
- you have a project that needs leading, coaching or scaffolding
- you have cross-functional teams that need support or problem-solving to get the results
- you need a stakeholder strategy led by someone who can also think and talk technology, and who has great interpersonal and political savvy
- you need an ICT person who can also write, speak and present in plain English

When not involved in business, Steph can usually be found outdoors. She is an avid runner and an active mother of three who spends most weekends camping, sailing or both.

We have had the pleasure of working with her on projects before she joined our team. We love her combination of energy, humour, friendliness and skill. You can contact Steph to have a chat at

You will see her smiling face appear on our new website, to be launched very soon.

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